

This is the Most Important Message You Will Ever Read...
Exact Secret Thousands of Nigerian Men and Women Used To Completely And Safely Reverse Their Type 2 High Blood Sugar in Four Weeks.
Our Pharmacists Are Often Bombarded With This Question:
"Why should I believe that this natural High Blood Sugar solution will totally cure my High Blood Sugar condition?"

Here are the reasons:

FIRST - This High Blood Sugar solution is not a drug like the ones you have been using.
This solution is a pack of vital supplements made from natural ingredients that would have prevented you from having Diabetes in the first place.

With This Therapy, You'll...

  • Normalize Your Blood Sugar In The First 10 Days and Stabilize It In The Next 20 Days.

  • Restore Pancreatic Function and Eliminate In-sul-in Resistance.

  • Prevent Or Reverse High Blood Sugar Complications.

  •  Increase In-sul-in Production and In-sul-in Sensitivity So You Can Safely and Easily 

           Lose Weight and Keep It Off For Good!

  •  Get Completely OFF Your Diabetes M-edi-ca-ti-ons Permanently.

  • Turbocharge Your Immune System and Improve the Quality Of Your Life 


Are You Experiencing Any Of The
  • Tired of pricking your fingers with painful and expensive needles everyday…
  • Facing a 70-80% higher risk of stroke and heart disease.
  • Feeling guilty about food and your weight…
  • Being concerned with not being able to lose weightwhich the medicine seems to put on and keep on…
  • Feeling anxious or frustrated for not being able to permanently treat your diabetes despite all your  efforts?
  • Being overwhelmed by the daily care and vigilance the disease requires…
  • Dealing with the side-effects of your medications.

If you are experiencing any of the above, be rest assured that I am going to help you reverse and eliminate them from your life by following a simple, natural and easy diabetes reversal Therapy with zero side effects that my dad took. A research-backed program that's been proven to work better, faster and is cheaper and safer than prescription drugs.

Discover How Thousands Of Men and Women In

Nigeria And Beyond Have Become High Blood Sugar-Free For Life:

  • Even If You Have a Family History of Diabetes

  • Even If You’ve Been Fighting Weight and Blood Sugar Problems for Decades...

  • Even If You’ve Tried Every Diet Under The Sun Without Success

  • Even If You’re Already On In-su-l/in or Drugs for Diabetes, High Blood Sugar, Cholesterol, High Blood Pressure,or Have Any Related Complications You will Overcome All of These Without Harmful Drugs or Risky Surgical Procedures, Faster Than You Ever Thought Possible!

Dangerous High Blood Sugar Dr/ugs Don't Work  
If you really think about it…

Diabetes is not a disease about not having enough “in/su-lin”… but a disease of the organ that produces in/sul-in: The pancreas!

And this condition is merely a "symptom" – an outward "signal" – of a damaged pancreas that simply is too damaged to produce the in-sul-in your body needs to regulate the levels of sugar in your blood!

Dia-betes doesn't just happen, it is the direct result of a breakdown inside your body 

We're not paying attention to the SOURCE of our problems and until we do, these problems are going to continue and even get worse.

Simply speaking… Within your pancreas there are these cells called Beta Cells (β-cells). These are the cells that produce in/sul-in. Normally, these cells produce in/sul-in continuously, raising their output in response to the increase in blood sugar that occurs after you eat.

As mentioned above, when we ingest all the poi-so-nous foods which cause the blood to turn acidic, these Beta Cells are unable to do their job correctly. Obviously, with heavy demand on your Beta Cells from the acid in your system, your pancreas cannot function properly... In other words, when the acidity is in the pancreas — di-abetes is the result.

Note that the cells in your pancreas are over acidic because of the food you eat, and the lifestyle you live.
Now here’s what’s exciting: As soon as these acids stop overflowing your pancreas, it gets a rest from constantly trying to absorb and neutralize them. Once you “cleanse” the pancreas from the overflow of acids‚ it starts to regenerate itself. It starts to recover and gradually…

It starts to rebuild the beta cells to their only natural function: the production of in-sul-in!

Once you focus on the ‘Root Cause’ of your Di-abetes — you instantly start seeing Diabetes from a different perspective — instead of "Me-di-ca-tion" and "fighting the symptoms," you start thinking about "Health" and treating the cause.

The simple and overlooked truth about Diabetes — and many other modern diseases — is that it's more important to pay attention to what you put inside your body, than to have to deal with the symptoms that drugs can fight from the outside.

Fact is... the longer you remain stuck in the “Diabetes Trap” of continually “needing” more and higher doses of medications, the more long-term havoc your diabetes complications 

will wreak on your heart, kidneys, pancreas, brain, and  the rest of your body.

 As you well know, prescription drugs (hy-pog-lyc-em-ics) simply mask symptoms. They do not heal; actually they exacerbate the problem as they weaken your immune system. What is meant to help you out only make matters worse.

The reality is your meds DON'T do anything to help your body get well. They DON’T do anything to help heal the source of your problem. But they DO turn you into a drug junky, and they DO have side effects that can be FAR WORSE than your condition itself! 

Clinical Studies Rank Dietary Supplements and A Healthy Lifestyle Practice As “Best” for Beating Diabetes! 

In well-publicized research by UCLA’s School of Medicine, Type 2 patients COMPLETELY REVERSED their di-abetes (in just three weeks!) with a few simple supplementing their diet and physical activity. And this occurred without any weight loss.

According to the lead researcher Dr. Christian K. Roberts: “This study shows, contrary to common belief, that Type 2 di-abetes can be reversed.”

new castle university

Recently, British researchers (led by Professor Roy Taylor of Newcastle University) announced that diabetes (even advanced type 2 diabetes) canbe reversed through diet changes.Specifically, they discovered that Type 2 diabetes can be COMPLETELY REVERSED by diet alone. As a matter of fact... after 1 week, blood sugar normalized. By 4 weeks, normal in-sul-in production returned. After that, participants ate normally.

In a nationwide study by the Diabetes Prevention Program, simple dietary supplent-and-lifestyle changes beat the pants off the leading glucose-lowering drug (met-form-in) — performing TWICE as well as the me-di-ca-tion!

Medical literature is chock-full of studies proving the superiority of dietary supplements and lifestyle strategies over drug therapy.

“The ADA's advice to diabetics is that they can keep eating all the ice cream, sweets and soft drinks they want, as long as they control their blood sugar with pharmaceuticals.
It's medically absurd... 
The organization is so outdated that it still won't admit diabetes is curable, even as credible studies published in peer-reviewed medical journals prove that it is.”  - Mike Adams, Consumer Advocate
Dr. Drummond Rennie  “Drug companies are intent on keeping the consumer on drugs... for the simple requirement of profit.”
- Dr. Drummond Rennie, Journal of the American Medical Association
Dr. Herbert L. Ley  “The thing that bugs me is that people think the Food and Drug Administration is protecting them - it isn’t.  What the FDA is doing and what the public thinks it’s doing are as different as night and day.” - Dr. Herbert L. Ley, former Commissioner of the FDA.    

DRT is a pack of different supplements made from natural ingredients (not chemicals) and they offer a 100% natural, safe, and powerful treatment that works by eliminating the ROOT cause of your Di-abetes.

We didn't create this solution.
This pioneering remedy is the outcome of countless studies conducted over 30 years by teams of internationally-respected scientists and diabetes' specialists, including Prof. John Mash of Corneil University, NYC.
As a result, thousands of people who were in your EXACT same situation are now living symptom-free.
This therapy will also give you healthy cholesterol levels and lower blood pressure naturally.
What is Included in the DI-ABETES REVERSAL THERAPY?
Each pack of DI-ABETES REVERSAL THERAPY™ contains the following powerful supplements: 

1 Gallons of Aloe Vera Gel:

Many Researches have proven that Aloe Vera juice helps to improve and stabilize blood glucose level and it's therefore very useful in treating people with diabetes.
It also helps in balancing the immune system and provides fast of healing of leg wounds and ulcers which are also complications of diabetes. 

1 Ginchia /Active Probiotics:

A simple Ginchia or Probiotic pill that 'rewires' the body could cure both types of diabetes, scientists claim. The new drug, which contains live bacteria from the human gut, has been shown to drastically lower blood sugar levels.

1 Bottle of Daily/Naturemin:

Forever Daily and Naturemin are synergistically formulated to provide you the truly balanced nutrition needed to support optimal health and vitality on a daily basis..Also found in them are Vitamins A,C,E, Zinc And Magnesium, which help to restore some of the natural nutrients lost through excessive urination by Diabetes

1 Abeta Care/Fields of green: 
Helps to promote healthy immune system, helps fight free radicals. Big help when has inflammation, circulation of blood, stomach, blood pressure, colon problem in the body.
 PLUS Our "Special Dosage Plan" That Makes These Supplements Work Effectively:
Over time, we have found out that the way you combine and use this supplements also affect the results you get.
So, when you order for your pack of DI-ABETES REVERSAL THERAPY™, we are also going to be sending you the step by step dosage of plan that you will be using to get the best results possible.
As you start to use these supplements based on the special dosage we will send to you, you will start noticing changes in your body system and you will also be astonished at how far you would have gone in helping to rid yourself of diabetes.

How Does It Work?

In simple terms, High Blood Sugar REVERSAL THERAPY™ does what most recommended drugs don't do.
Instead of helping your body with In-sul-in, the supplements in High Blood Sugar REVERSAL THERAPY™ actually help your body itself to naturally produce in/sul-in and lower your blood sugar - thereby eliminating the ROOT cause of your Diabetes.
The different supplements in High Blood Sugar REVERSAL THERAPY™ work together to get your body back into its natural state of vibrant health and they do this by:

  • Cleaning your body from the inside, allowing your body to get rid of the toxins that are            taxing your cells, to enable them to start functioning properly again.

  • Radically reducing glucose levels in your blood through what is known as "Probiotic"

  • Balancing and strengthening your immune system and healing your damaged cells.

  • Eliminate the financial burden of pharmaceuticals, doctor visits, strips, pumps and the            like.

  • Stabilize your blood sugar and restore your pancreatic functions to normal.

  •  Feel lighter, healthier, look younger and more energetic.

  • Enjoy increased mental clarity, enthusiasm and vitality.

  • The end result of all this is that your blood sugar reduces drastically and your body                 becomes stronger so that it can continually regulate blood sugar all by itself.

But the question is: Would you do it?
Are you willing to try a natural solution that has worked for several other Nigerians like you?
We know you are afraid - You are probably thinking - "What if it does not work?"
But the right question you should be asking is -
"What if it does work to help me ANNIHILATE High Blood Sugar and bring Sound Health to my body once again?"
And we know it will because it took the manufacturers over 30 years of research to create this supplements and it has worked for other people.
There is no risk involved.
Of course, like any other real solution, High Blood Sugar REVERSAL THERAPY™ will cost some money.
But what is money compared to the Sound Health that will be restored to your body?
We both know that good health is far better than money.
It brings joy to our faces too when we receive the testimonies from people who have used this natural solution (High Blood Sugar REVERSAL THERAPY™) to become healthy again when they have lost all hope.
We want to receive your own testimony as well very soon.

Before you go ahead and order for your pack of DIABETES REVERSAL THERAPY™, we have something extra for you: 

One of the after effects of High Blood Sugar is that it Leads To Other Health Complications, and this often result into more problem and breakdown of body nerves.
So We Are Offering as SPECIAL BONUS  the Following  Product Combinations put together to help you Get Rid of Other Diabetic Complications.


When you order for a pack of High Blood Sugar REVERSAL THERAPY™ today, you will also get the Following supplements that will address complications that diabetes has caused on massive discount.

Get Our MEN S/EX-UAL PERFORMANCE PACK that will help you regain Robust, Long Lasting and Rock Hard Erections like a 20 Year Old,  You'll Only Pay N20,000 For The MEN SE-XUAL PERFORMANCE PACK & N45,500 For The Diabetes Reversal Pack. That's a Total of #65,500
Get Our WEIGHT LOSS PACK that will help you regain a smart and healthy body,  You'll Only Pay N30,000- For The WEIGHT MANAGEMENT PACK & N45,500  For The High Blood Sugar Reversal Pack. That's a Total of #75,500 for Nigeria and GHc850 for Ghana.

Get Our HYPERTENSION CARE PACK that will help you reverse High BP regain a smart and healthy body. You'll Only Pay N28,000- For The HYPERTENSION CARE PACK & N45,500 For The Diabetes Reversal Pack. That's a Total of #73,500.

Get Our EYE CARE PACK that will help you restore your vision. You'll Only Pay N25,000. For The EYE CARE PACK & N45,500 For The High Blood Sugar Reversal Pack. That's a Total of #70,500  .

The Ball is Now In Your Court...

Completely get rid of High Blood Sugar now instead of living on d/rugs for the rest of your life.

The supplements in the High Blood Sugar REVERSAL THERAPY™ pack have changed hundreds of lives and we know it will DEFINITELY change yours!


Use The Form Below To Place Your Order
Now At A Huge Discounted Price
And Pay Cash Upon Delivery

NOTE: If You are not ready to pay for your order, don't send your details

Here Is How To Order For Your "High Blood Sugar REVERSAL THERAPY™


Take Advantage of this Special Offer Through Our Pay on Delivery Service.High Blood Sugar REVERSAL THERAPY will be delivered to y our choice address Nationwide, and you will pay our courier team upon delivery, High Blood Sugar REVERSAL THERAPY can be Delivered to Your OFFICE OR HOUSE Address PAY ON DELIVERY. Order Your Pack Now, Send the Following 

1. Your Full Name
2. Your Full House or Office Address
3. Your Choice Date Of Delivery
4. Phone Number of the Recipient
5. Your Choice Product Combinations.

    SMS/CALL : 08064608777

PLEASE NOTE - As soon as your SMS is confirmed, you will receive an SMS acknowledgment from me. Your Package will be delivered to your doorstep through a courier service within 24 to 48 hours
Stop being a victim of di-abetes and do something that will give you a long lasting healthy body.
Order for your High Blood Sugar REVERSAL THERAPY pack today and join thousands of people worldwide  that have been able to restore peace to their bodies using the supplements in the High Blood Sugar REVERSAL THERAPY Pack.
Have you ever taken time to think about it?... if you finally grab this Most Effective, result oriented
Natural Supplement therapy and you are finally able to......live without your drugs over time…
I want you to consider the value of what you are getting. It will save you lots of time and efforts and  will finally put a smile on your face.
That is why I'm giving you this nutritional pack at a heavily discounted Price...
For the next 5 days, the High Blood Sugar REVERSAL THERAPY pack will be available at a discounted price of N45,500 

Open for 5 days Only. LUCKY YOU!

After this date, anyone interested Might have to pay up to #65,500 Or GHC850
The current price of N45,500 for this High Blood Sugar REVERSAL THERAPY  pack is temporary.

Don't delay. Order now before the price increases
                            Sincerely, Your Friend and Instructor,

Health Educator & Nutritionist

DISCLAIMER: "DI-ABETES REVERSAL THERAPY" as used on this page is only for marketing purposes. The registered name for this product pack is FOREVER LIVING. Components mentioned above are packed inside the FOREVER LIVING PRODUCT box and hence, if you do not see  "DI-ABETES REVERSAL THERAPY" written on the pack, please don’t be afraid.